Thursday, January 22, 2015


1. Favorite photo

My personal favourite photo of the Lens slideshow is photo 6 (The one with the Merc). I love how the dry lake-bed is very abandoned and devoid of life, and in the middle of said lake-bed is a car with people in it. If you look at the sky, there's dark clouds all around, and in the center, directly above the blue car, there is a hole in the clouds, where you can see the sky. The photographer definitely waited for the right time to take that photo. Having that bright blue car in the middle of the lake-bed also brings significant emphasis on the car, rather than everything else.

2. Best Photo

The best photo from the same slideshow is photo 7 (The one with the pretty colours). Its use of perspective really brings out the focus of the photo, the juggler, while the other colours blend into the background. The photographer's use of background light is also very interesting. The photographer uses the darkness of the environment to bring out the bright colours of the ballons and the lights in the background. 

3. Best Work

My best work this semester

I think this is my best work this semester because of how I photographed this photo. I've recently been inspired by NatGeo drone photography. Now, I don't have a drone, but I have an RC helicopter that I've had since I was 9 yrs old. I attached a camera to the RC helicopter to take this photo. I was amazingly surprised by how well it turned out.

I think if I had more time to take this photo, I would try to include more of the sky in the photo, and try to reduce the glare of the sun in the background. 

4. Three Rules of Composition

My 3 rules of composition goes as follows: 
(1) Depth here
(2) Shoot into the light here
(3) Experimentation. here

5. Photo using 2 of 3 Rules

Rules 1 and 2 shown here.
As you can see, I used the rule of depth to focus the tree bark in the front and unfocused the leaves and sky in the background. 

I shot the photo into the light (of the sun and sky) to brighten up the picture and also to further blur the background a little more. 

6. Farley's First Rule

First rule is GET CLOSER

7. Benefits of Working in Groups

Since the beginning of this semester, I have worked in 2 different groups. 
  1. I believe that working in groups is very productive because of the support you get from your peers. 
  2. If you don't understand something or you need help, you need not call the teacher for help. The person sitting next to you has the answers to your questions.
  3. Working in groups can be fun. When you're lonely, you can still talk to other people. 
  4. Group work creates a positive working environment.
  5. Putting people in groups also helps to organize the class; it adds structure to the class

8. Difficulties of Working in Groups

  1. Some groups are unresponsive and/or ignorant of certain group members. 
  2. Constant chatter within the group may reduce productivity.
  3. Group photography may be hard at times to keep together.
  4. Other members in the group may be smelly... (it's true!)
  5. Groups can argue a lot.

9. Favourite work by another person...

By Catherine H.   Model: Lucas Williams.

10. Master Photographer

Our photographer, Eadward Muybridge, contributed largely to the field of motion photography and early stop-motion animation. 

11. Dorothea Lange

Her most famous photo, of course, is called Migrant Mother. It was taken during the Great Depression, funded by the Resettlement Administration.

12. Life Magazine

Founder:  John Ames Mitchell and Andrew Miller
Photojournalism first issue: 1936 (Henry Luce)

13. Robert Capa

Founded Magnum Photos (1947)

14. "Falling Soldier"

Year: 1936
Location: Spain in Spanish Civil War.